Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tree Identification Lab

Yellow Birch
Betula alleghaniensis

The yellow birch is a type of deciduous, birch tree that is native to the eastern part of North America. It covers the eastern provinces of Canada and extends all the way south to Georgia's Appalachian mountains. The bark is soft and golden and the tree usually grows to be about 20 m tall.


Witch-hazel is a flowering shrub common in North America and north eastern Asia. It is a deciduous shrub that typically grows to be between 3-9 meters tall. Hamamelis means "together with fruit". When the flowers of the shrub bloom, they do so explosively, shooting seeds out at distances up to 10 m away.

Weeping Willow
Salix Babylonica

The weeping willow is a species of the willow family that is indigenous to dry parts of northern China (although it can be found all over Asia and Europe due to trading along the Silk Road). It is a fast growing, large deciduous tree. It typically grows to be around 70 feet, however they only live to be 40-75 years old.

Ocean Spray
Holodiscus discolor

Ocean spray/Creambush/Ironwood is a shrub found in western North America. It gets to be about 5 meters tall and is very fast growing. It is deciduous and has juicy green leaves when first blooming, but eventually grows white flowers, giving it the name creambush.

Southern Magnolia
Magnolia grandiflora

The southern magnolia is found in the southeastern United States, going as far north as Virginia and as far west as Oklahoma. This evergreen is very tall, growing to be about 90 feet at its highest point. It also has large white flowers. The timber is very useful in making furniture and has been harvested across the world for that reason.

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